Archive for August, 2013

Headless #ds106er Kicks Butt

HeadlessKicksButt-B-8-28-2013A comment on my earlier blog today from Alan Levine inspired me to do this drawing. In part it’s also a response to Jim Groome’s tweet. I may be slow to get going but I plan to kick butt for #ds106. However, animated gifs will have to wait for another day. So what are my goals for #ds106:

1. Have fun
2. Kick butt on digital storytelling (includes learning the apps )
3. Interact with current fraingers and make new ones

Despite 2013 being an apocalyptic year for health issues (glaucoma, vertigo, car accident) for me, I’m learning how to enjoy classes with subpar health. And I’m grateful for the truly creative and fun people that I’m meeting along the way. I may be in overkill but this week I sort of started ( still have to register) a class called Digital Storytelling (DS106) from the Univ of Mary Washington – a “headless” online course where no one and everyone is really in charge. I’m also scheduled to start an online Coursera class on computational arts that is similar in some ways to DS106. And next week I start Penn State’s MOOC on Creativity, Innovation and Change (CIC or PSUCIC). I’ve signed up to work with some fraingers (friends who were strangers and have become friends through online courses) from another course. I’ve also agreed to become part of a quadblog group again for #CIC to help others learn how to blog. It’s great to have an instant audience when you are first learning. You will see others of my CIC quadblog group if you look at the links on the right hand side.

In addition to posting new experiences, I’m hoping get out a set of experiences from the past 3 classes that I have not yet added to the blog: Penn State’s Intro to Art, UPENN’s Growing Old Around the Globe, and MoMA’s Art of Inquiry this summer.

Jabulani Does CIC

Creativity, Innovation, and Change

My MOOC experiences

conversations and learning in the digital world

Gather with Purpose

intersection of community, learning and technology

Teaching 'E-learning and Digital Cultures'

thoughts and reflections on the EDC MOOC

Digital Cultures

Digital cultures, e-learning, and humanity


I know it's hard to believe, but we're citizens just like you!!

Shepherd's Pi

A fuzzy technologist carves up facts & figures