I haven’t updated any of my blog sites for a long time. I just accepted whatever I started with and went from there. But thanks to Coursera’s class in E-learning and Digital Cultures (EDCMOOC) starting in January, I’m venturing into more blogging on the internet than I’ve done in the past. So it was time to update my site. But I’m finding a lot of quirky new features that will take me some time to get used to. More likely, I’ll just figure out the bare minimum.   I plan to continue writing in MS Word and then cut & paste to the blog. I find it easier than the dashboard to wordsmith unless very short like this post. I hope those following like the new “Motion” theme. I find the colors very soothing and I like that the letters seemed lit from behind which helps make them visible to my aging eyes. I may switch between this and Greyzed which really speaks to my junk art sensibilities.